Infos zu den Prüfungen
Aus Online Mathematik Brückenkurs 1
Examinations are online
The exam consists of two computer marked tests per section and at the end of the course the student is required to do both an individual assignment and a group assignment at the end of the course. Each of 5 parts of the course is equal to 1 credit and in general is separately reported to Ladok at the university where you have registered the course ( some courses, depending on the date when the course starts, are firrst reported when the entire course is finished).The course grade is obtained when all five parts are approved. Grades on the course are pass or fail.
The basic and final tests are computer marked
For each section of the course, there is both a basic and a final test. Links to the tests can be found in the "Student Lounge" that you arrive at when you log in with your personal user name. You cannot be failed on these tests, as if you do not succeed in passing a test, you can just take it again until you get all the questions right.
he final test consists of three randomly generated questions that automatically are corrected by the computer. Here, you are expected to solve a problem on paper and input your answer. You successively must answer correctly all three questions to be passed.
If you give the wrong answer for any question, you can make a new attempt. You will now be presented with three new versions of the questions you're meant to solve, (even if you passed any of the previous questions, you start from scratch and have to pass all three questions again). However keep in mind that it is your final performance that is recorded in the statistics of the course.
The assignments are an essential part of the exam
Assignments make up Part 5 of the course.Via a link on the home page of the course for assignments, you will be able to download your individual assignment when you are halfway into the course. When you have passed three-quarters of all the test you may submit your solution to the assignments.
In the assignments, you are expected to be able to present an idea or an argument in your own words and not just give an answer or choose an alternative. Your individual assignment need not be perfect, but it is only in the next step — together with other participants — that the final solutions should be complete.
=== Group assignments teach you to discuss mathematics with others
When you submit your solution to your individual assignment, you will automatically be grouped together with three other persons who recently submitted their individual submissions. The group is automatically assigned their own gruppforum in the system where members can communicate with each other and an icon to klick on when they are ready to submit the joint project.
The group's task is to review all the members' individual submissions and then agree on a common 'best' solution to each of the individual projects.
The group will then make a joint submission and it is these solutions that are reviewed and commented on by the teacher. The teacher communicates with the entire group, and if there is anything the group has missed one has the opportunity to make new group submission until everything is satisfactory and can be approved. To pass this part of the course you need to participate actively, such as, for example, by asking questions and to help with work on the joint final submission.
Wait to submit your assignment if you are planning to be away from the course.
For example, if you are away and you do not have access to the Internet then this will cause problems for the other group members as they cannot begin work with the group assignment. Therefore, if you know that you will be away from the course, please wait to submit your assignment until you have returned and can be active in the group.